

For the last couple of days I have been working on my Sock Monkey Project......Almost 2 done and 4 to go.  I love making handmade gifts for the holidays, it is so much more fun than trapsing around the crowded malls.  The crafting bug always hits me about this time of year when the temperatures start to plummet and it gets dreaily rainy or snowy out.  With my trusty Red Holiday mug of coffee and Christmas music blaring from my ipod tuned to Pandora I am armed to begin my crafting frenzy.

This week the frenzy has been all about the sock monkey gifts that I am making for our family and friends wee ones and one for my hubby as well (the one for my hubby will be a "Spock" monkey as he is a trekie fan ).

The above picture is the first monkey I completed.  I love the "expression" his face ended up having.  I really had quite a hard time finding a vest pattern to make for him.  I searched the internet far and wide for a free pattern, but to no avail, there just wasn't one to be found.  I decided it could not be any more frustrating to try to make my own pattern than it had been searching the internet for an hour for one, so that is what I did.  After making the pattern I ended up altering it 3 or 4 times to get just the right look and fit that I wanted, but it did finally look the way I had hoped it would.  If you would like a copy of the pattern just let me know, I would be glad to email it to you once I scan it.  The monkey in the picture is for a little boy whose room is blue and brown so I made his outfit to match those colors.

Next week I will be done with the monkeys hopefully and start my food gifts.......keep tuned in as I will be posting pictures of all my projects, and instructions for those who would like to have them.  Thanks for stopping in for a chat, until next time......I wish you Peace.

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